Had a great time visiting friends, family and enjoying the gorgeous weather. Going home always makes me happy - it's so nice to get away. Here are some of the shots from the weekend:
Yes those are my parents. Yes that's my mom in the tractor bucket. Explains a lot huh? ;)
I promise I'll take new pics soon...we've just had craptastic weather recently so my opportunities to shoot outdoors has been limited. Well the weather and the fact time is at a minimum since I've found myself in the midst of another hot market (NBA and NHL playoffs) and work is destroying my soul. I love my job. I love my job. I love my job...
Indiana didnt fare as well as I had hoped, but in the end my man Obama is still in the lead. Want to share a video that really inspired me a few months ago when I first saw it...I dont typically enjoy watching celebs stump for political candidates but I guess I'll let it slide this once.