We treated ourselves to an awesome seafood dinner at Oceanaire and then met friends for drinks at the Moondog. Fun night!
Saturday his family came down to go out to lunch - where I was lucky enough to see the hottttttt Rob Lowe eating in the same restaurant. Did I mention he is hot? I didnt want to be a scary stalker and take his picture with my camera phone, so I decided to text my friends the fab find news instead.
Sunday is dedicated to football and food - and specifically today is Colts vs. Pats....good vs. evil....goofy QB vs. smokin hot QB. I also made homemade chicken noodle soup and it was sooooooo good. I roasted the chicken breasts first then shredded them to create the meat.
Recipe courtesy of Elly Says Opa (love her blog):
Chicken Noodle Soup